What to do if the cutting edge is not smooth? IECHO takes you to improve cutting efficiency and quality

In daily life, the cutting edges are not smooth and jagged is often occur, which not only affects the aesthetics of cutting, but also may cause the material to be cut and do not connect. These problems are likely to originate from the angle of the blade. So, how can we solve this problem? IECHO will provide you with detailed answers and share how to solve it by adjusting the blade angle.


Analysis of the cause of cutting edges is not smooth:

During the cutting process, the blade angle is an important factor affecting the cutting effect. If the blade angle is inconsistent with the cutting direction, the material resistance of the blade will increase, resulting in poor cutting effect, and problems such as non -smooth edges and jaggedness.


How to adjust the blade angle to solve cutting problems:

To solve this problem, we can improve the cutting effect by adjusting the blade angle. Firstly, we need to test whether the blade angle is correct.

1.Select a piece of material that needs to be cut and cut a 10 cm straight line. If the beginning of the straight line is not straight, it means that there is a problem with the angle of the blade.


2.Use the Cutterserver software to detect and adjust the blade angle. Open the software, find the current test blade icon, check the parameter settings, and find the column of the blade and the X -axis. Fill in positive or negative numbers based on the direction of the arrow at the test data. If the arrow goes to the right, fill in a positive number; If turns left, fill in a negative number.


3.According to the actual situation, adjust the error value of the blade angle within the range of 0.1 to 0.3.

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4.After the adjustment is completed, the cutting test is performed again to observe whether the cutting effect is improved.

If the cutting effect is improved, it means that the blade angle adjustment is successful. On the contrary, if the numerical adjustment still cannot improve the cutting effect, it may be necessary to replace the blade or find professional technical support.


Summary and Outlook

Through these steps, we can understand that the correct blade angle is the key to ensuring the cutting effect. By adjusting the blade angle, we can effectively solve the problem of not smooth cutting edges and improve the quality and efficiency of cutting.

In actual operation, we should continue to accumulate experience and learn to respond to various cutting problems flexibly. At the same time, we must also pay attention to the technical update of cutting machines, actively learn new technologies, and improve cutting efficiency and quality.

In order to better serve the customers, IECHO will continue to develop new technologies, optimize cutter performance, and provide higher precision cutting services.

Post time: Jun-13-2024
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